Section 871.26.17. Decisions.  

Latest version.
  •        26.17(1) The presiding officer shall issue a written, signed decision as soon as practicable after the closing of the record in a contested case. Each decision shall:

            a.           Set forth the issues, appeal rights, a concise history of the case, findings of essential facts, the reasons for the decision and the actual disposition of the case;

            b.           Be based on the kind and quality of evidence upon which reasonably prudent persons customarily rely for the conduct of their serious affairs, even if none of such evidence would be admissible in a jury trial in the Iowa district court; and

            c.           Be sent by first-class mail to each of the parties in interest and their representatives.

           26.17(2) In reaching a decision, the presiding officer shall apply relevant portions of the Iowa Code, decisions of the Supreme Court of Iowa, published decisions of the Iowa Court of Appeals, the Iowa Administrative Code and pertinent state and federal court decisions, statutes and regulations.

           26.17(3) Copies of all presiding officer decisions shall be kept on file for public inspection at the administrative office of the department of workforce development, filed according to hearing (appeal) number and indexed by the social security number of the claimant.

           26.17(4) A presiding officer’s decision allowing benefits shall result in the prompt payment of all benefits due. An appeal shall not stay the payment of benefits. A presiding officer’s decision reversing an allowance of benefits shall include a statement of overpayment of benefits erroneously paid.

           26.17(5) A presiding officer’s decision constitutes final agency action in an employer liability contested case.

            a.           Any party in interest may file with the presiding officer a written application for rehearing within 20 days after the issuance of the decision. A request for rehearing is deemed denied unless the presiding officer grants the rehearing request within 20 days after its filing.

            b.           Any party in interest may file a petition for judicial review in the Iowa district court within 30 days after the issuance of the decision or within 30 days after the denial of the request for rehearing.