Section 81.27.10. Exemption from public rule-making procedures.  

Latest version.
  •        27.10(2) Categories exempt. In lieu of the words “(List here narrowly drawn classes of rules where such an exemption is justified and a brief statement of the reasons for exempting each of them.)”, insert the following:

    “a. Rules which are mandated by federal law or regulation in any situation where the auditor of state has no option but to adopt specified rules or where federal funding is contingent upon the adoption of the rules;

    “b. Rules which implement recent legislation when a statute provides for the usual notice and public participation requirements;

    “c. Rules which confer a benefit or remove a restriction on the public or some segment of the public;

    “d. Rules which are necessary because of imminent peril to the public health, safety or welfare; and

    “e. Nonsubstantive rules intended to correct typographical errors, incorrect citations or other errors in existing rules.”