Section 761.615.12. Suspension of a habitually reckless or negligent driver.  

Latest version.
  •          615.12(1) The department may suspend a person’s license if the person is a habitually reckless or negligent driver of a motor vehicle.

                a.                “Habitually reckless or negligent driver” means a person who has accumulated a combination of three or more contributive accidents and convictions for moving violations or three or more contributive accidents within a 12-month period.

                b.                “Contributive or contributed” means that there is evidence in departmental records that the driver performed an act which resulted in or contributed to an accident, or failed to perform an act which would have avoided or contributed to the avoidance of an accident.

             615.12(2) In this rule, the speeding violations specified in Iowa Code paragraph 321.210(2)“d” are not included.

             615.12(3) The suspension period shall be at least 60 days.

    This rule is intended to implement Iowa Code section 321.210.