Section 661.18.4. Access aisles and loading zones.  

Latest version.
  •        18.4(1) Passenger loading zones shall provide an access aisle at least 48 inches wide and 20 feet long adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space (see Figure 2). Vehicle standing spaces and access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 in all directions.

    Note:  Projects which are required to comply with the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards shall provide a width of 60 inches for the access aisle.

           18.4(2) A minimum vertical clearance of 108 inches shall be provided at accessible passenger loading zones and along vehicle access routes to such areas from site entrances.

    Note:  Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard requires 114 inches of vertical clearance.

           18.4(3) If there are curbs between the access aisle and the vehicle pull-up space, then a curb ramp complying with Iowa Code section 216C.9 shall be provided.