Section 301.5.3. Requests for access to records.  

Latest version.
  •        5.3(1) Location of record. In lieu of the words “(insert agency head)”, insert “executive director”. In lieu of the words “(insert agency name and address)”, insert “Iowa Egg Council, 535 East Lincoln Way, Ames, Iowa 50010”.

     5.3(2) Office hours. In lieu of the words “(insert customary hours and, if agency does not have customary office hours of at least thirty hours per week, insert hours specified in Iowa Code section 22.4)”, insert “8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.       daily, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays”.

           5.3(7) Fees.

            c.           Supervisory fee. In lieu of “(specify time period)”, insert “one hour”.