Section 161.4.1. General provisions.
Section 161.4.2. Notice of hearing and answer.
Section 161.4.3. Amendment.
Section 161.4.4. Default.
Section 161.4.5. Consolidation and severance.
Section 161.4.6. Filing and service of documents.
Section 161.4.7. Discovery.
Section 161.4.8. Subpoenas.
Section 161.4.9. Motions.
Section 161.4.10. Prehearing conferences.
Section 161.4.11. Continuances.
Section 161.4.12. Telephone proceedings.
Section 161.4.13. Disqualification.
Section 161.4.14. Ex parte communication.
Section 161.4.15. Powers of presiding officer.
Section 161.4.16. Hearing procedures.
Section 161.4.17. Evidence.
Section 161.4.18. Evidence of past sexual practices.
Section 161.4.19. Cost of copies of record.
Section 161.4.20. Posthearing briefs.
Section 161.4.21. Requests to present additional evidence.
Section 161.4.22. Proposed decision.
Section 161.4.23. Review of proposed decision on appeal to the commission.
Section 161.4.24. Scope of review by commission.
Section 161.4.25. Interlocutory appeals.
Section 161.4.26. Intervention.
Section 161.4.27. No factual dispute contested cases.
Section 161.4.28. Awards of attorney’s fees.
Section 161.4.29. Waiver, modification of rules.
Section 161.4.30. Application for rehearing.
Section 161.4.31. Hearing—other reasons.
Section 161.4.32. Assessment of costs of hearing.
Section 161.4.33. Appeals to the district court.