Section 11.62.2. Minimum requirements.  

Latest version.
  •        62.2(1) Performance plan. The individual employee performance plan shall be based on the responsibilities, strategies or goals assigned during the rating period and shall include the standards or expectations, including action steps, performance criteria, and timetables, required for performance to be considered as meeting job expectations. The individual employee performance plan shall be given to and discussed with the employee at the start of the rating period. Significant changes in responsibilities, standards or expectations that occur during the rating period shall be included in the individual employee performance plan, and a revised copy shall be given to and discussed with the employee.

           62.2(2) Performance evaluation. A performance evaluation shall be prepared for each employee at least every 12 months. Additional evaluations may be prepared at the discretion of the supervisor. Ratings on the evaluation form are to be accompanied by descriptive comments supporting the ratings. The evaluation may also include job-related comments concerning achievements or areas of strength, areas for improvement, and training/development plans. The supervisor or team shall discuss the evaluation with the employee, and the employee shall be given the opportunity to attach written comments. Periods of service during educational leave required by the appointing authority, or military leave, shall be considered as meeting job expectations.

    Exit performance reviews shall be completed by the former supervisor on or before the last day before the movement of an employee to employment in another section, bureau, division or agency of state government. This review shall be for the period between the previous review up to the movement to the other position. A copy shall be forwarded to the new supervisor of the employee.